Monday, September 24, 2007

Off with a Bang! (But not the Big Bang)

Our school year started off with an introductory section that explored the seven days of creation. Each day the kids listened to another consecutive day of creation from Genesis. Then they colored a corresponding number with pictures of what was created that day. The number was cut out and glued on a poster in the right sequence. That number would be our “number of the day” that we looked for everywhere we went. Ardara is the champion number spotter. We could hardly get a word in edge-wise with her in the back seat of the van yelling “Six!!” and a minute later “Another Six!” It just so happens that Ardara was turning six very shortly after this lesson, and she was acutely aware of the beauty of that number—which was much bigger than five.

Our daily art project was centered on that day’s creation as well. After the first 7 days of school, we put the artwork in order and stapled it in a book cover to keep and review.

Days 8 through 10 were review days where each child got to use the poster or the book he or she had made to retell the story to everyone else. They were instructed to use the number of the day in their story telling to reinforce numbers and sequencing.

The final part of the day was music time and we learned the beautiful hymn “This is My Father’s World” by Maltbie Babcock. After the first week we even learned how to sing it in sign language. See the video that will be posted later this week!

The last day, we collected various indoor and outdoor items and glued them on a chart, separating them by “Created by God” and “Made by People”. It was a great way to kick off our Kindergarten curriculum “My Father’s World”.

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