Monday, September 24, 2007

Awana's Clubs

This was the first year for all three Chinnock kids to join a bona fide club. Awana’s is a Christian club whose goal is to reach boys and girls with the gospel of Christ and train them to serve him. Their main focus is scripture memory.
This year Augie joins other 3 through 5 year olds in “Cubbies”. They listen to a flannel board Bible story, sing their memory verses with a hand puppet of Cubby the bear cub and do games and crafts that reinforce the verse. Augie looks so handsome in his Cubbies vest. Now if only he would get over his shyness so that mommy can go to her ladies’ Bible study and not attend Cubbies with him!

Ardara and Huyler are in the kindergarten through 2nd grade group called Sparks. To earn their red vests they had to memorize several things:

1. the Pledge of Allegiance

2. The Awana’s Pledge

3. John 3:16

4. The Awana’s motto

5. The Spark’s song

Now that they have their vests, they have to show responsibility by wearing their vest and bringing their books and Bibles to the club each week. Then they can earn badges and pins for their vests by memorizing each new verse. The ability of young children to remember things amazes me. Most of you have already seen the video I made of the kids saying the pledge of allegiance (if you haven’t you can watch it on our web page!) but you may be interested to know that they can also tell you what each of the words means! Those smarties!

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