This is a story about a little girl named Guinevere.
Let me begin by telling you a little about Guinevere.
Guinevere lives in a house very much like one you might live in one day. There is a big backyard for her to play in. Inside the house there are various rooms, and Guinevere has a room of her own. When Guinevere looks out the window of her room, she can see mountains. What makes her house very special for Guinevere, is this: her daddy built it! And Guinevere helped! It took a long time to build this house, but Guinevere has lots of memories of smelling freshly cut wood, digging in the dirt, eating picnics on the floor of the dining room before it WAS a real dining room, watching Daddy climb way up high, and rubbing Daddy’s tired shoulders at the end of the day. Sometimes Guinevere sits quietly and remembers what it was like to wait for the house to be finished. She remembers that it seemed as if the house would NEVER be finished! But finally, here it is! And when Guinevere remembers how hard her daddy worked building the house, she feels warm and happy inside.
Guinevere has a wonderful mommy who is very, very pretty, and who does so many fun things with her! She is teaching Guinevere to read, to bake bread, to plant vegetables, and to fix her hair many pretty ways. Did I tell you about Guinevere’s hair? No? Well, let me tell you, Guinevere has beautiful long red hair! She loves her long red hair. It makes her feel like a princess, especially when Mommy braids pretty ribbons into her hair, or puts flowers on her pony tail, or curls the ends of her hair and then piles it all up on top of her head! Then Daddy comes home and says “Where’s my princess? Oh, there she is, just as beautiful as I remember!” and then Guinevere puts her little feet on top of Daddy’s big shoes, and they dance around the room, just like Cinderella and the prince!
Guinevere has two younger brothers. Did I forget to tell you that? One brother is named Lance. Lance has nice brown hair, the same color as his daddy’s. Lance knows that his hair makes him handsome, because Mommy often says she thinks Daddy is very handsome, and she often says to Lance, “You look just like your daddy!” and then she smiles, kisses his hair, and hugs him close. Lance feels so happy when Mommy does that!
Arthur is Guinevere’s other little brother. Arthur has red hair like Guinevere’s. But Arthur DOES NOT feel like a princess! Oh no! Arthur likes to pretend his hair is FIRE! Whenever Arthur looks in the mirror and sees his red hair, he cries out “I have FIRE on my head! Watch out, everybody!” And then he runs, very, very fast through the house yelling, “Out of the way! I’m on fire! No one is as fast as me, because MY HEAD IS ON FIRE!”
Guinevere and Lance stand back and roll their eyes as Arthur races by. “Here he goes again” says one of them to the other. “Better find his hat.” Because, you see, the only way anyone can get Arthur to stop running around on fire, is to find an old hat that Grandma gave him, and clap it on his head. Arthur believes that puts the fire out, and he can slow down. Then everyone can continue with what they were doing.
What were they doing? I’ll tell you what each of them LIKES to do. Lance likes to make maps. His maps are not really maps like most maps, showing roads and towns and such. But he calls them maps because he follows them to “get somewhere.” “Where?” you may ask, “do Lance’s maps take him?” That’s a very good question, because Lance never knows until he is there! That’s the fun of it! This is how Lance’s maps work: Lance writes down directions on a piece of paper. The directions might sound like this: “Walk out the back door. Take 5 steps forward. Turn to the right. Take 25 steps. Turn to the left. Take 30 steps. Back up 3 steps. Make a quarter turn to the right. Take 60 steps. Take 15 side steps to the left. Walk forward 12 steps. Sit down.” Lance never knows where his maps will take him. Once he ended up on top of the picnic table. Once he found himself sitting under the rose bush. Once his map landed him in the wading pool! Lately, Lance has been making his maps even more exciting by adding somersaults, hops, and skips, and occasionally a running JUMP! Lance enjoys this very much!
When Arthur isn’t on fire, he likes to play with his toy cars and trucks in the backyard. His favorite truck is…you guessed it! His fire engine! Arthur likes to make roads in the dirt for his cars and trucks to drive on. He makes houses and stores out of rocks or mounds of dirt. He likes to make an entire town, with a school, a gas station, a church, stores, homes, and of course, a fire house. Things are always peaceful in his town for awhile, and Arthur hums quietly to himself as the cars and trucks drive to the gas station, the church, the store, or the school. But after awhile, a fire always breaks out somewhere! Arthur yells “FIIIIIRRRRE!” at the top of his lungs. The fire engine pulls out of the firehouse, and as it tears through the streets of the town it demolishes every single store, home, school, church, gas station…until the entire town is flattened! Then Arthur sits back, smiles, and sighs. Soon, he begins to build a new town. Arthur enjoys this very much!
Guinevere likes to do many things. She plays with her dolls, she reads her books, she paints pictures. But one thing Guinevere always finds time for, is sitting quietly, just looking and thinking. Just looking and thinking is one of Guinevere’s favorite things to do. And that’s what this story is really about! I just thought you might like to meet Guinevere’s family before I told you the rest of the story. Thank you for being patient. Now I can begin.
One sunny morning, Guinevere took her breakfast, which was granola and yogurt and fresh blackberries, all stirred up together in a little blue bowl, out to the deck to enjoy her meal in the morning sunshine. Guinevere decided this would be a good time to look and think.
It had rained the night before, and there were tiny drops, shining with sunlight, glistening like diamonds on every leaf of the trees and on every blade of grass. Guinevere imagined she was a princess, sitting on the balcony of her palace, looking at her garden of diamonds and other precious jewels. Through the fence she could see the neighbor’s big calico cat tiptoeing through the wet grass. Guinevere imagined the cat was a giant tiger, prowling in the jungle just outside her palace garden.
Guinevere tasted a ripe, sweet blackberry in her mouth. As she bit into it, she tasted the tart juice of the blackberry. She looked into her bowl, and saw another blackberry. She noticed the dark little balls that formed the berry. She poked one with her spoon and it burst, leaking its juice into the yogurt in her bowl. Guinevere thought about picking the blackberries yesterday with her mommy. It had been a hot day, and Mommy had explained to her how the sun makes the berries grow juicy, sweet, and plump. Mommy explained how the sun makes everything grow. “Without the sun,” explained Mommy,” it would be too cold for us to live on this planet! Without the sun, there could be no green trees or grass! Without the sun, there would be no fruits and vegetables for us to eat! Nothing can live without the sun. It is all part of God’s plan, because he loves us!”
As Guinevere munched her berries and yogurt, she looked at the vegetable garden she had helped Mommy plant. She thought about how Mommy had said that the bean vines must not shade the tomato plants, that the tomatoes needed lots of sun. Then Mommy explained how the big leaves on the squash plants shaded the squashes from the sun, so they wouldn’t get too much sun, just enough. Guinevere looked at the vegetables ripening on their vines. She looked at the berries in her bowl. She thought about the sun shining on the berries and the vegetables, and the berries and the vegetables soaking up the light and warmth of the sun as they grew into food for her to eat. Suddenly, she realized that the sun was in the very food she was eating! Just as the plants took in water to help them grow, just as the plants took in nutrients from the soil to help them grow, the plants also took in sunlight to help them grow! Guinevere jumped up, and ran into the house. “Mommy! Mommy!” she cried. “Guess what! There is sunshine in my tummy! When I eat my fruits and vegetables, I’m eating sunshine! There is sunshine in my tummy!”
Mommy gave Guinevere a hug. “That’s right!” she said. “And that sunshine comes right out of you again, every time you smile!”
Guinevere ran to the mirror and smiled at herself. Sure enough! Her smile looked bright and warm like the sunshine! Guinevere gave her tummy a little pat. “Sunshine in my tummy!” she whispered. “Sunshine in my tummy!”
So, that’s the story I wanted to tell you, and that’s exactly what I have done. Isn’t the sun a wonderful part of God’s plan? Is there sunshine in YOUR tummy? When you look at others, can you send some sunshine out to them through your smile?
Try it!