Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Rare Mummified Dinosaur Uncovered

I think its funny that in spite of the evidence that this dinosaur was covered rapidly (hello, think major flooding) to create its fossilized skin, the scientists INSIST it is 65 million years old. When will they learn?

Rare mummified dinosaur uncovered
Duckbilled Edmontosaurus covered by fossilized skin that is as hard as iron
By Blake Nicholson
The Associated Press
updated 8:06 a.m. MT, Tues., March. 18, 2008

BISMARCK, North Dakota - Using tiny brushes and chisels, workers picking at a big greenish-black rock in the basement of North Dakota's state museum are meticulously uncovering something amazing: a nearly complete dinosaur, skin and all.
Unlike almost every other dinosaur fossil ever found, the Edmontosaurus named Dakota, a duckbilled dinosaur unearthed in southwestern North Dakota in 2004, is covered by fossilized skin that is hard as iron. It's among just a few mummified dinosaurs in the world, say the researchers who are slowly freeing it from a 65-million-year-old rock tomb.
"This is the closest many people will ever get to seeing what large parts of a dinosaur actually looked like, in the flesh," said Phillip Manning, a paleontologist at Manchester University in England, a member of the international team researching Dakota.
"This is not the usual disjointed sentence or fragment of a word that the fossil records offer up as evidence of past life. This is a full chapter."
Animal tissue typically decomposes quickly after death. Researchers say Dakota must have been buried rapidly and in just the right environment for the skin to be preserved.
"The process of decay was overtaken by that of fossilization, preserving many of the soft-tissue structures," Manning said.
read the whole article here

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