Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Penguins and Icebergs

This is a video of the kids playing in the bathtub with our homemade "icebergs". We froze water in ziploc baggies in various shapes. Then we cut the ziplocs away and dropped the ice in cold water. We used water balloons as "penguins" and let them slip around on the ice and slide into the water! We also watched some slide shows on youtube about icebergs. I'll add one of them next so you can see some cool pictures of icebergs that we liked a lot. Click here to see the page where we learned all our iceberg info. We actually learned a lot about icebergs, more than I put in the Barometer because of space issues! The videos on the web page are cool, but there are sooo many youtube videos about icebergs.


1 comment:

:)De said...

I see you use Youtube for teaching...so do we. We also like TeacherTube. Thanks for the good info on icebergs. We are inspired to do some studying on them now.