Wednesday, November 28, 2007

D is for Dinosaur

This is probably the lesson I was most excited about teaching so far. One of the main reasons I chose to home school was to be able to teach my children the truth of Biblical creation as a valid scientific approach. (Our words to remember were “Big and small, God made them all”.) In public schools, children are taught the theory of evolution as though it has been proven, and the concept of a million year old earth in spite of the very faulty dating processes used to come up with that idea. But the Bible’s teaching that the world is only about 6000 years old, combined with the account of Noah’s flood give a completely adequate explanation for dinosaurs, fossils, geological anomalies, etc. Obviously there isn’t room here, but check the CRI link at the end of this post if you are interested in more information.
We read a book from the Creation Research Institute called “What Really Happened to the Dinosaurs?” Then we checked out a book from the library called “Boy were we wrong about the dinosaurs!”, discussing how many of the theories once held about dinosaurs have been altered or completely thrown out as more clues surface. Then we looked at a picture book of dinosaurs and each child chose 2 dinosaurs to become “experts” on. They studied how big they were, what they ate, what their name meant and where their fossils have been found. We made models of dinosaurs from playdough as well as stuffed paper bag dinos. And Daddy surprised us by renting Jurassic Park for us to watch, just for fun!!! Even after that traumatic event, Ardara has decided she wants to be an archaeologist or an anthropologist when she grows up!

Click here for an article by Ken Ham of the Creation Research Institute. This article was turned into a really good kids book which we read for school. In it, he talks about a lot of evidence that dinosaurs lived at the same time as man. Legends of dragons are only the beginning. There were also glyphs found in Utah that look like dinosaurs. There were dinosaur bones found that are NOT fossilized. One account in the Amazon jungle is thought to be a dinosaur that is still living! Anyway, to that end, we also watched some funny little videos that will be posted after this.

Click here for a story about the petroglyph discovery - with photos like this one!

1 comment:

Jaakonpoika said...

Ever saw these figures of Dinoglyfs & Dinolits ("petroglyphs") documented by man in the historical era:
Biochemist, drop-out (M.Sci. Master of Sciing)